If you are a student interested in going into a water-related career field there are numerous scholarships available to help support your education. Below you will find our roundup of some of scholarships available and many of these scholarships renew each year. Len Assante Scholarship An annual scholarship awarded by the National Ground Water Research …
20 Interesting Articles About Water in 2014
Here are 20 interesting and informative articles about water published recently that discuss topics like water supply, water conservation, desalination, and droughts. Wastewater that Cleans Itself Results in More Water, Less Sludge Gizmag “Using wastewater to clean itself is the premise of new Australian technology that relies on the formation of compounds called hydrotalicites, and …
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7 Informative People to Follow in Water Conservation
The following individuals actively participate on Twitter to provide useful information, links, and commentary on water conservation topics. Michael E. Campana @waterwired Michael E. ‘Aquadoc’ Campana is a hydrogeologist, hydrophilanthropist, Professor of Hydrogeology and Water Resources Management in the Geography Program of the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) at Oregon State University, …
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8 Interesting Water Conservation Videos
These water conservation videos are produced by multiple organizations and provide useful information on water conservation topics. Our Thirsty World National Geographic This simple video by National Geographic displays facts about the importance of conserving water and cites a projection that by 2025, 1.8 billion people will live where water is scarce. (3:29) Conserving Water …
13 Interesting Talks About Water
The following talks provide insights into important water issues including ideas for addressing the challenges of providing freshwater for the rapidly growing global population. How the Market Can Keep Streams Flowing Rob Harmon Rob Harman explains how streams are drying up and how incentives can effectively encourage water rights holders to conserve water. (8:46) A …
100 Amazing Water Facts You Should Know
Water is the most important resource in the world. Here are 100 amazing facts about water that you may not know. 68.7% of the fresh water on Earth is trapped in glaciers.1 30% of fresh water is in the ground.1 1.7% of the world’s water is frozen and therefore unusable.1 Approximately 400 billion gallons of …
Increase Profitability with Efficient Energy Management Solutions
Operating a business is not as simple a venture as many envision. Considering the significant increases in operating costs in the last decade, particularly in electricity bills, operating a business has become costlier than ever. Fortunately, the implementation of efficient energy management solution can change this bleak outlook. In fact, it could help your company …
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Save the Planet and your Money – One Drop at a Time
Water is the essence of life. It is what makes up most of our body and our planet. In fact, it is one of the primary reasons our planet can support and sustain life. As such, it is our duty to conserve as much water as possible. In doing so, we not only save the …
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Green Ways To Heat Your Home
Energy bills in most homes can be considerably high these days, as the need to heat the home and water is necessary in cold weather. Day by day it seems that energy prices are increasing, thereby increasing the expenditure on energy. The best way to combat this price increase is to opt for eco-friendly or …
How to Grow a Green Garden
Do you want an eco-friendly garden that is completely green? Gardening requires a great deal of work and a green garden will require a bit more work than if you were to plant a regular garden. Weeds, animals, weather, and chemicals can make or break your garden, so it is a good idea to learn …