Discussions about how to help the Earth and save money at the same time certainly aren’t just reserved for Earth Day. We often hear terms like “going green,” “sustainable living,” and “eco-friendly.” Many people are seeking ways to change their daily routines in order go green and save green at home and at work. Here …
Being Water Smart, Not Water Short
Water is a valuable resource and so it’s important to use it wisely. Conserving water or using it efficiently will help ensure it’s available in the future for new generations of people, plants and animals. But how can one person help? Is conserving water a habit in your daily life or could you and members …
Consider Giving the Gift of Water—It Could Save a Life
Americans tend to take clean water for granted. Freshwater pollution is a serious issue for about half the world’s population, leading to about 250 million cases of water-related diseases and between 5 and 10 million deaths each year. According to UNICEF, nearly 900 million people lack access to clean water and 2.5 billion lack decent …
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Three Recent Water Conservation Studies
Droughts have threatened human welfare since prehistoric times. But in today’s world of rapid population growth, increased demand for food and cash crops and rising urbanization, water scarcity is a growing problem even in non-arid regions. Water demand is expected to increase 40 percent in the next 20 years, and although water is a renewable …
Water Conservation Tools for Communities and Consumers
Globally, one out of every five people does not have access to clean water, and water demand is expected to rise 40 percent over the next 20 years. As water use continues to outweigh water resources, water conservation plays a vital role in everyday life. But new tools are available to assist consumers and communities …
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Infographic: Where Does Water Come From?
Do you ever turn on the faucet and wonder where that water comes from? Turns out, freshwater is pretty hard to come by! Take a look at the world’s water supply to learn more. Feel free to publish this infographic on your site or blog. Embed the Small Version on Your Site (500 pixels wide) …
3 Top Water Conservation Stories from 2012
The need for innovations in water conservation has never been greater. According to the World Water Council, although the world’s population tripled in the 20th century, the use of renewable water resources grew six-fold. The increased industrialization and the added demand for water will have somber consequences on water supply. Still, an increasing awareness that …
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5 Great Water Conservation Organizations to Donate to This Holiday Season
If you are looking for an alternative gift for a friend or family member who cares about conserving the world’s freshwater resources, you might consider a donation to a water conservation organization this holiday. According to the Nature Conservancy, two-thirds of the world’s population could face water shortages by 2025. Here are five organizations that are doing …
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5 Things You Should Know About the Global Water Crisis
Unbeknownst to many of the millions who enjoy unfettered access to clean drinking water, much of the world’s population does not enjoy the same luxury. Of course, having reliable access to clean water is not a luxury. It’s an absolute necessity, and according to the World Health Organization’s 2012 assessment there are 884 million people …
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Infographic: The Global Water Crisis
Despite the critical role that water has in our everyday lives, few people realize that the world’s freshwater supply is facing a major crisis in the near future. Spread the word by sharing this infographic on your blog, website, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest to help increase awareness of this important issue. View Wide Version Feel …